Dear student,

We would love to hear about your experience at Pacific English Study.

Our anonymous feedback page is the perfect place to let us know what you love
and what you think could be improved.

We want to make sure that every student feels heard and supported, and your feedback can help us make that happen. So, whether it’s about your teachers, a classroom, an activity, or anything else, we’re all ears. Feel free to leave us any suggestions you have for activities that you would like Pacific to include.

To leave your feedback, just fill out the form below. You don’t have to share your name if you don’t want to, but we do ask for your grade level so we can make sure we’re meeting the needs of all our students.

We take all feedback seriously, and we’ll use your comments to make our school the best it can be. So let us know what you’re thinking, and thanks for helping us make our school a better place.
